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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life and Light

Light is 'revelation, illumination, understanding or wisdom.' In Him was life and the life was the light of men (John1:4) It means God has life, but to be God you have to be uncreated while men are created. God created mankind, which is spirit being and it is according to His image (outwardly) and likeness (inwardly). The image means the physical state while likeness is spirituality, in which we are able to worship Him and have His presence, and moral likeness,i.e. standard of holiness.

God created male first was not because men are better than women but because of purpose that God has given to it. Men often confuse between roles and purpose. Roles depend on culture, that is the society, what they perceive the culture wants them to be. Purpose, however, is determined by God.

God is a God of purpose. Purpose = potential. The purpose of a thing determines its potential and the potential of a thing reveals its purpose. Where purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.

What then are the purposes of God?
1. Adam was created from the ground.
Foundational things God wants man to do, i.e. to have vision and dreams which are based on the foundation which is Jesus.
2. Adam was put in the garden that represents God's presence manifested on Earth.
The first thing God gave to man was His presence!
3. Adam was given instructions and information about the tree in the midst of the garden.
Man is responsible to communicate and to teach.
4. Adam was given work to tend (cultivate to bring about fruitfulness or productivity) the garden.
5. Adam was asked to keep or to protect.
6. Adam was asked to name the animals.
Man takes the leadership role (ownership) over them.

The general purpose is then for man to spread the life of God, His presence, moral standards (10 Commandments) throughout the Earth with a helper, i.e. women.

Be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. Shine for Jesus!


Algo said...

Wah tania gw salut ama loe hahahaha ...Keep it up thanks for putting the sermon there hehehe .....


tania said...

Yeah, we have to be a step ahead from others.LOL. Kalo lo mau post sermon or something attach lewat yahoo group aja, ntar gw post-in dsni. OK, bro!! =)

Rayvin said...

Good summary =)