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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sermon from JPCC

Day and Night

Summarized by: Michael and Ellinda

Ecclesiastes 1:1-10. This verses are written by Salomon while he became the king in Jerusalem. He wondered about so many things; for example: why the rivers flow into the sea but the sea will never full (v. 7), one generation passes then another generation comes (v. 4). He felt that nothing’s new in this earth (v. 9). In another word, it’s repetitive. If we notice from the verses we will realize that these are the fact. All things in this earth, including our life are moving in a cycle.

Guys, let me give you an example on our real life, there are 7 days in a week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday all the way to Saturday, then we go back to Sunday again. For the students; We attend class from Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday we enjoy our weekend, go to the church..go to cell group; then you have to think about going back to class on Monday. Don’t be confused by these things, like it or not this is how GOD created the earth. We have to make sure that we are not trapped in our everyday routine. Many people lost their directions in their life, they feel that there is no point of working if we are going to dead anyway? They start to backslide and lost confident in their life.

Our life is like opening a bottle of mineral water. If we spin the cap in the right direction, the bottle will be open but if we spin to the other way, we will actually tighten it, there is a possibility that we will even break it. Guys, GOD has many purposes in our life, let us spin it in the “right” direction so that we can maximize our potential and be the person which GOD wants us to be.

Recently, I’ve read an article written by a Prof. from one of the famous university in Indonesia, She mentioned something about life cycle. Everything in life is in a circle, including human. We kill animals and plants to keep us survive, to satisfy our need and to absorb the energy from the nature. But, when we die, we give back everything to nature; Animals will eat your body and the scrap will be the fertilizer to the plant and transfer back to the earth. GOD created human as the most hi-end creation, but human are the only creature who will kill their coequal for money and reputation. Aren’t we shame on this? Remember that we are not going to bring money and reputation to the grave but only our soul. What about reputation? It will be gone by time.

GOD also created day and night. All of us, believers and non believers will experience these and so does our spiritual life. We experience day time when we know what to do, when everything is fine and we feel that our future is so bright. In John 9:4 GOD wants us to work at day and rest at night. Therefore, at this time we have to “work” by spreading the seeds of love, time, money, attention to the people around us. And when night comes, when all things become “dark” and there is no light to lighten our path, seek HIS face, rest in his presence (Mat. 11:28), and pray that the seeds that we spread during the day will grow. Do good things and you’ll gather good things.

Another example given; Time will pass faster when you are asleep compare to when you are awake at night. Am I right? People who has difficulty to sleep at night will realized this, counting down the time and wondering when he/she can fall asleep and rest seems like ages. Linking it with our spiritual life; by resting in HIS presence our night time in our spiritual life will pass quickly too. Let GOD work during this time, our God is God that never sleeps even when we fall asleep. In Job 33:13-18 it is written that GOD gives us visions while we are sleeping. So besides the peace that we feel while we rest in HIS presence, GOD will also give HIS visions to us. Treat this moment as you are dreaming and the moment you wake up you will start working again.

Notes: GOD creates day AND night. The day is not forever and so does the night, For all of us who experience the day time right now, remember to work and spread the good seeds, and don’t forget to be prepared for the night to come. And for those who experience the night time, ask for GOD’s guidance to lighten our way, rest in his presence, and the night will pass us quickly. Don’t backslide or being heartless when you face difficulty, life is a circle… we will not forever in the darkness. The day will come and you shall receive what you have plant during the night.