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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Building a Better Relationship

CGM (March 27, 2009)

To build a better relationship, we need wisdom. Here are the wisdom checklists for you to correct yourself:

James 3: 13- 18

1. If I am wise, I will not take advantage of you
Sometimes we get used to ask a friend for help and we don't realize that we actually take advantage of that person and take him/ her for granted. So, be wise and appreciate him/ her! :)

2. If I am wise, I will not provoke you to anger
We have to work to maintain harmony in our relationship. For it to last, we must not:
a. compare,
b. condemn,
c. contradict.

Proverbs 14: 29, 20: 3

3. If I am wise, I will be teachable/ submissive/ open to discussion
We must be able to learn from anybody, be the person a boy, a girl, a man, a woman or an elderly. Only then we can be built by them, by their criticism.

Proverbs 12: 15

4. If I am wise, I will not emphasize your mistake
Be forgiving and full of mercy like Jesus. He sacrificed His life for us for He is merciful, because we need it, not because we deserve it.

How then can we have the wisdom?

James 1: 5

Ask God for it in your prayer everyday and see Him work miracles in your relationship!