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Sunday, July 13, 2008

God Works Through Us

Yeah, that's true! God works through people and not matter or method. As in Exodus 17:8-13, Moses was used by God and not the rod lifted up by him, it was Moses! It's the ordinary people like you and me God works through to make a great difference in the marketplace.

Wait a minute!! If you want to serve God and be used by Him to do great things, firstly you gotta be secure in God. No worries you won't excel in life because God's word in Matthew 6:33 says "But seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

4 areas we need to work on:

1) Self-image - how you see yourself
Imagination is powerful creative tools and you conform the image you imagine yourself to be!
If you think you are a failure then you are gonna be one! No matter what other people say about you, it doesn't really matter, it's how you see yourself after all. If you are formed by people's thoughts about you, you will be like a tree without a root system.

2) Self-worth - how you value yourself
To God, we are worth His son sacrificing His life on the cross calvary to save us!
3) Self-esteem - how you feel about yourself
We make decisions based on our feelings and that's why you gotta guard your heart make sure it's aligned with the Bible.
4) Self-respect - how you honor your dignity
Be a servant! But you gotta remember that servant-hood does not equal being servile!