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Saturday, August 30, 2008

7 Principles of Parable of Talents

Cell Group sermon
29 August 2008

7 Principles (Matt 25: 14-30):

1. Stewardship (v. 14)

Air stewardess, for example, is to serve the plane passengers on board
The same thing, we are also called to serve, to manage what God has entrusted to us.

2. Distribution (v.15)
Distribution of talents from God is fair.
Everybody gets something but nobody gets everything! It is so that we need one another to complement one another. No selfishness and pride is in us. Therefore, we can honor and show concern to one another.

3. Accountability (v.16-19)
Be responsible of what has been given to us!

4. Fruitfulness (v.26)
It is followed by faithfulness.

5. Faith (v.25)
It is the same as motivation and fear is the hindrance for us to step out in faith. As written in Heb 11:6, do not let fear stop us!

6. Application (v.28)
Use our talents because if we don't use it, we'll lose it!

*7. Rewards (v.23)
- Rewards of affirmation (pat on the back, "well done!")
- Rewards of promotion (greater responsibility is given)
- Rewards of celebration (enjoy the 'fruits')

Use our talents wisely.. then, the rewards will come automatically!

Here is a video of a 6-year-old who has got a talent to sing at a very young age. See, how God distributes talents to everyone and it's been used to bless others.